Delicious Cranberry Apple Smoothie with Mango

By Jodee Weiland

With the New Year approaching, it is definitely time for a new smoothie! This time of year brings with it the availability of cranberries, so my new smoothie definitely has cranberries. Blended together with other fruits, this smoothie has both the tart flavor of cranberries along with the sweet flavors of Granny Smith apples and mango slices. The result is the fabulously Delicious Cranberry Apple Smoothie with Mango!

https://learnfromyesterday.comEach of these ingredients has numerous health benefits for us adding great nutritional value to this smoothie. The cranberry health benefits are a decrease in the risk of urinary tract infections and also, an increase in the health of the cardiovascular system. It’s the combined impact of cranberry antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in cranberry that’s responsible for these results. Adding cranberries to a smoothie is definitely a way to increase the health benefits of your smoothie.

https://learnfromyesterday.comDelicious Cranberry Apple Smoothie with Mango

  • 1 cup ruby red grapefruit juice (no sugar added) or juice of your choice
  • 1 cup frozen fresh mango
  • ½ cup frozen fresh cranberries
  • 1 Granny Smith apple with skin cored and cut up
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey

https://learnfromyesterday.comhttps://learnfromyesterday.comPrepare and place all of the above ingredients into a blender. Blend the ingredients together until smooth. Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve. This recipe will be enough for about two ten ounce servings.

https://learnfromyesterday.comMy Delicious Cranberry Apple Smoothie with Mango is both delicious and healthy! There are two servings and each will be approximately 206 calories and 0 fats. This a great boost before working out or after a workout. The vitamins and additional nutrients from this smoothie are a great health benefit for you any time. Give this smoothie a try, and enjoy!




New Way to Count Steps and Track Fitness

By Jodee Weiland

In order to start the New Year right, I invested in a step counter, Fitbit One. Over the years, I have had several step counters, starting with the first step counter purchased years ago for five dollars. I was teaching English literature and composition at our local high school. The school nurse introduced us to the idea of a step counter we could purchase for this nominal fee. The idea was counting our steps to improve our health and make us more aware of our true activity level. I loved the idea and bought one. It was one of the best choices I ever made, finding a New Way to Count Steps and Track Fitness!

https://learnfromyesterday.comThat was only the beginning of the journey. I had always worked out, and now I was simply tracking the results of any and all activity during my day. As we grow older, it is not unusual to become more sedentary. Aches and pains settle in joints and muscles over the years, especially if we use those muscles less. Any old injuries become a constant reminder that we’re aging. The only real way to fight back is to keep active and keep moving. The more you move, the less likely you are to suffer from muscle and joint soreness.

https://learnfromyesterday.comMy first step counter actually helped me step it up a bit. I thought I was still keeping as active as before, but I found out that in reality, I had slowed down somewhat. That’s when I stepped it up and made sure I was taking at least 10,000 steps a day, the approximate equivalent of five miles. The tracking of steps made me even more aware of my activity level, which in turn, helped me to increase my activity level as I got older rather than decrease it.

https://learnfromyesterday.comI moved on from that first step counter to several of the OMRON brand step counter. These step counters gave me even more information about my activity level. I became aware of not just steps taken, but calories burned. When I first did this, step counters weren’t all that popular, and they were also somewhat bulky and not as easy to wear. They usually clipped on to a waist band, but were definitely noticeable to the wearer. The later ones could upload your steps to a computer, giving you a visual record of your day to day activity over extended periods of time. My last step counter could track over thirty days before having to upload the information and showed up to seven days activity on the step counter itself at any time. This helps you see your progress.

https://learnfromyesterday.comEventually, I decided it was time to upgrade for a few reasons. First, the newer step counters are small enough and light enough that you don’t even feel them on you when you wear them. This is so much more comfortable and means you are more likely to continue using it. Second of all, these new step counters, track not just steps, but stair climbing, aerobic activity intensity, sleep patterns, and so much more. So after researching and one false start (I returned one stepper that did not do what it claimed), I finally ended up purchasing a Fitbit One during the holiday sales and couldn’t be happier with the results.

https://learnfromyesterday.comFitbit One is my New Way to Count Steps and Track Fitness! With Fitbit One, I can track steps, stairs (floors climbed), calories, miles, activity level, sleep patterns, and so much more. It even links up to various other plans that track your food, etc., like, which I am using. You can sync it wirelessly with your computer and apps on various devices. I love being able to track so much information about my activity levels and at the same time, keep fit. This program even awards me badges for completing certain achievements as I progress, which makes it fun. You can even share your results with others if you choose to do so through social media. So far this has been one of my better investments in my fitness routine and plan to keep healthy! If you’re looking for a great way to amp up your fitness plan for the New Year or even just to start one, this step tracker is a great idea, so give it a try and enjoy!

https://learnfromyesterday.comNOTE: This is NOT a sponsored post. The information given is based on my own personal opinions, experiences, and thoughts.