Strawberry Apple Grapefruit Smoothie with Ginger

By Jodee Weiland

I love a good smoothie any day of the week, whether it’s following an intense workout or just to give me that little extra boost in my day. My Strawberry Apple Grapefruit Smoothie with Ginger is tart but delicious with just a little honey added for a touch of sweetness. Whenever you add grapefruit to a smoothie, you can expect it to be somewhat tart, so I like to add some organic honey to the mix. It will still be tart tasting, but just not as much.

https://learnfromyesterday.comI love ruby red grapefruit for all the health benefits it adds to any smoothie. The obvious health benefit is the Vitamin C, but it is also has the antioxidant lycopene. The ginger added in this smoothie is a spice that has numerous health benefits, such as easing nausea, helping with the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, arthritis, muscle pain, and more. Apples blended in to a smoothie help keep your heart healthy, reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes, help control weight, and much more.  Strawberries are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help boost immunity, promote eye health, fight cancer and bad cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and more.

To list all the benefits of each of these ingredients would require me to do an individual post on each one, but for more information, I would like to suggest a source online that I frequently use to check on health benefits, Best Health. I find their information both useful and reliable.

https://learnfromyesterday.comStrawberry Apple Grapefruit Smoothie with Ginger 

8 ounce cup of all natural ruby red grapefruit segments with juice
1 Granny Smith apple with skin cored and cut into pieces
1/2 cup fresh strawberries
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger or 1 to 2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger (more or less to taste)
2 teaspoons organic honey
1 cup ice cubes

https://learnfromyesterday.comThis recipe for my Strawberry Apple Grapefruit Smoothie with Ginger makes one smoothie and will be about 249 calories. It has eleven grams of fiber and is high in vitamin C plus many other vitamins and nutrients. It is healthy and deliciously tart and tangy. I love grapefruit and grapefruit juice, so I love this smoothie. If you’re not a fan of grapefruit, substitute another citrus such as orange segments and orange juice. If you do decide to make this substitution, you probably will not need any honey added. Either way, this smoothie is another one of my personal favorites, so stay healthy and try it! Enjoy!

10 thoughts on “Strawberry Apple Grapefruit Smoothie with Ginger

    • Thanks you, Chris! This combination makes a really tasty smoothie, and it is pretty as well. Thanks for stopping by to visit and chat!

  1. This sounds delicious! I love Granny Smith apples and I don’t think that I have ever seen a smoothie recipe that used them. Definitely going to try this recipe!

    • Thanks! I love them, too. I have other smoothie recipe that uses Granny Smith apples as well, like my Delicious Strawberry Apple Smoothie with Ginger. It’s very good, also. Thanks for stopping by to chat!

  2. This smoothie looks scrumptious but I’ve developed an alergy to strawberries (wierd I know) so I’d have to substitute another kind of berry.
    Jilda does banana blueberry which is excellent.

    • Thanks! I think any berry would work. It’s really a matter of what you like or prefer. If the fruits are ones you like, it will probably taste good. This mix is delicious, but would be just as good with a raspberry or blueberry, I’m sure. Thanks for stopping by to chat!

    • Thanks, MJ! I love smoothies, especially after working out. This one was both sweet and tart, and I loved it. I will be making this one quite a bit. Thanks for stopping by to visit!

    • Thank you! It really does taste delicious and best of all, it’s healthy! I really enjoy a good smoothie. Thanks for stopping by to visit!

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