Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken

By Jodee Weiland

I’ve been reading a lot lately about various fruit salsas served over grilled meats and fish. Since I had some peaches available and English cucumbers, I decided I would go ahead and see what kind of fruit salsa I could come up with for grilled chicken. We grill chicken a lot and a fruit salsa sounded like a good way to change it up a bit. That’s how I came up with my Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken, and we loved it!

The idea behind a fruit salsa is of course, a fruit blended with either other fruits and/or vegetables of one kind or another. Add to this a vinaigrette of sorts, and you should have the makings of a fruit salsa that can be used as a topping on a grilled meat, such as chicken, or a grilled fish. That is just what I did to come up with my Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken, and it was delicious!

Peach Cucumber Salsa 015 (500x333)Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken

1 peach diced
1/2 long English cucumber diced
2 tablespoons green onions sliced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon pure organic honey
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Grilled chicken breasts (or another meat or fish)

Peach Cucumber Salsa 007 (500x333)Peach Cucumber Salsa 001 (500x333)

Peach Cucumber Salsa 010 (500x333)

Take all the above ingredients, except for the grilled chicken, of course, and mix together. Let stand for a while, so the flavors can blend together. When your grilled chicken is done, plate it and spoon the Peach Cucumber Salsa over the top of the chicken. Serve with side dishes of your choice. I chose my Grilled Zucchini.

My Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken is both delicious and healthy! This meal makes a great summer through fall meal, but can be served any time of the year. The rich flavors of the fruit with the vegetables make this topping for grilled meats or fish not only healthy, but delicious and refreshing as well. Serve with a side vegetable, like my Grilled Zucchini, and a glass of white wine. Give this Peach Cucumber Salsa a try as a topping for grilled chicken or whatever other meat or fish you choose, and enjoy!

14 thoughts on “Peach Cucumber Salsa with Grilled Chicken

  1. I know I use the word, Delicious, often when describing your recipes, but this must be wonderful. I love fruit salsas and I, too, prepare grilled chicken fairly often, so I would enjoy this as it needs a little something extra. Can’t wait to try it, Jodee. Sharing.

    • Thanks, Dana! It is delicious, a favorite word of mine as well, and can be used with fish and other grilled meats also. I’m glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by to chat with me!

  2. I love fruit salsas — there’s something so delicious about sweet and savory. This combination sounds so fresh and tasty — the perfect way to top off a meal. 🙂

    • Thanks, Rick! We really enjoyed this on both chicken and later on fish fillets. It was delicious with both. Thanks for stopping by to chat and visit with me!

    • Thanks, Debra! It was great, and later in the week we had some on fish…it was delicious as well! Thanks for stopping by to visit and chat!!

  3. This sounds sooo delicious. I absolutely love peaches, and we have such gorgeous ones in right now here in Italy – def trying this!

    • Thank you, Madaline! This is very tasty…I love peaches, too. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Thanks for stopping by to visit and chat!

    • Thanks, Raquel! We’ve had it on fish as well, and you’re right it is delicious on fish! Thanks for stopping by to chat with me!

  4. Oh yum – peaches and cucumber! Peaches and anything! 🙂 A deliciously simple little side dish for as you suggested, grilled anything.

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