Learn from yesterday, live for today…My Blog Celebrates One Year on April 12th!

By Jodee Weiland

One year ago on April 12th, 2013, I decided to make it official and took my blog, Learn from yesterday, live for today…, to the next level. I had actually been blogging for about a year before that on my previous site, but mostly only for family and friends. The goal was to share my recipes, travels, and thoughts with my targeted readers. Very few people outside of my immediate inner circle ever visited that site. There were a few visitors, who happened upon my site, but not nearly as many as there are today. I really did very little to promote my blog before that time, and any traffic other than family and friends was coming from search engines.


That all changed when I finally admitted to myself that I actually had something to share with other people, outside of my family and friends, that might be of value to them. And so it began…I took everything off the old site, and began reviewing and rewriting it all one piece at a time…eliminating any pieces I felt weren’t good enough. From there, I went forward with my plans and began writing new ones. I started researching and learning about what I would need to do to make my blog more professional. I even began looking into how to create a blog environment for my readers that would be more user-friendly and make it easier for them to navigate my blog. But it didn’t stop there because I continue to do all of this and more every day!


I just attended my first conference for bloggers this past weekend in St. Louis, Missouri, the Bloggy Boot Camp with The SITS Girls. This wonderful group of young women not only taught all of us some great things about blogging, but were inspiring and left everyone in attendance motivated to do more! Mirassou Winery gave a lovely reception for all of us at the end of the day and gave us an opportunity to connect with them as a possible sponsor. All of this was a wonderful experience and opportunity to learn more about the blogging process, while being able to connect with other bloggers. The bloggers who attended would become an invaluable source of support and information as well, but most importantly, they would become new friends!

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Improving my blog, Learn from yesterday, live for today…, doesn’t stop there though, because I am also taking various online courses to improve different aspects of my blog, such as photography and artisan bread making. While attending the conference, I purchased the book, Social Media Engagement for Dummies to help improve my skills in that area of blogging. I want my readers to love coming to my blog to visit and to know how important each and every one of them is to me, so I want to make it the best I can in every way! How will I do this? As I approach the one year anniversary of my blog on April 12th of this year, I will be celebrating, while I continue working hard to make it even better in the coming year ahead! So what do you think? Is this a blog you want to come back to often?  If not, what can I do to make it more appealing to you? Hopefully, all of you will continue to come back and share your thoughts with me as I move forward with my blog, and always remember to enjoy!


14 thoughts on “Learn from yesterday, live for today…My Blog Celebrates One Year on April 12th!

  1. I will certainly come back to your blog, Jodee!! Very happy to be counted amongst that group of friends you made at the SITS Girls Conference. Your smile was contagious from day one and I look forward to going through this whole blogging journey with you. And, to more wine!

    Congratulations on Anniversary #1!

    • Thanks, Dana! You are definitely a special friend, and I so look forward to connecting more. After all, who else gave me chocolate at the conference? Your friends definitely know what you love! Your energy is so refreshing and motivating…it expresses how generous your heart is! The journey ahead will be made better for having you in my circle of friends! Thanks for stopping by chat with me!

  2. Jodee~ I am so delighted that you had a wonderful time at BBC – and I’m THRILLED you are excited about the book. Thank you so much! I so hope it helps you to take some of the steps you need to continue moving forward. I can’t wait to see where you go next!

    • Thank you so much, Danielle! I’m excited myself about what’s to come next. You and your book has already helped me make some improvements. I loved listening to you and the other young women on The SITS Team speak at BBCSTL, and I’m already working on doing more of this in the future. What a great way to learn more about blogging, while connecting with other bloggers at the same time! Thanks for stopping by to chat…I look forward to connecting more in the future!

  3. I am so happy for your accomplishments, Jodee! You have so much to offer this world, and I feel fortunate to have met you 🙂 Your blog is professional and artful, and I look forward to following along with your progress. Cheers to celebrations and new friends!!

    • Thanks, Julie! I am so glad I was able to meet and get to know you as well! We learned so much together this past weekend, but meeting you has was one of the best things about this conference! It is so important to make connections with others who understand clearly what you are doing as a blogger, but it is just as important, if not more important, to be able to find people you know will be your friend for long time to come because you share more than just blogging! I feel fortunate as well to have met you and look forward to connecting more! Thank you again, my friend, and thanks for stopping by to chat with me again!

    • Thanks, Kevin! I am enjoying the journey, but most of all I’m enjoying all the new friends I’ve been able to make along the way, like you. Thanks for stopping by to help me celebrate!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! I like your blog’s name. I have Social Media Engagement for Dummies too although I got it for review. GREAT book. I know you will enjoy it.

    • Thank you, Kathleen! I have already found this book to be helpful…I still have more to go through more of it. Thanks for stopping by to chat!

  5. One Year…yeah! Your blog is adorable. I’m a new blogger and I find it so inspiring to read about others who are happily blogging a year or more later. Write on!

    • Thank you, Jenny! I love writing my blog and look forward to writing it for a long time to come. If you’re new at this, just know this one important thing…the blogging community is filled with wonderful people, who will help you improve and develop your blog any time you reach out for that help! So you keep writing, too. I look forward to connecting with you more in the future. Thanks for stopping by to visit!

  6. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I have been blogging for a little over a year now and the more I learn, the more I know I don’t know! 🙂 Ah well, I’m having fun anyway and making lots of new friends.

    • Thank you, Vickie! It has been about the same for me, but like you, it’s been a lot of fun. Just when I think I have something right, I learn something new that has me making adjustments. The best part is making new friends though…I have met so many new people through blogging, and they are all great! Thanks for stopping by to chat!

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